Questions answered, just in time for more questions

I have updates! So, if you’ve read previous posts you’ll know I have struggled with driving, doors and utilities. Now, three and a half months in, I have answers!

Driving - I have it down now. Lots of reading up, you tube videos, and just getting out there and driving, and the system is clear, and it makes so much more sense than traffic lights everywhere. I love it, and it no longer stresses me out. There are a LOT of different traffic signs to learn, but as long as I err on the side of caution I get by just fine. A friend visiting from the US pointed out that all of the stop signs are in English. I don’t know why that is, and somehow I never even picked up on it! Maybe because it was so familiar.

My inability to correctly open a door - this is improving, and I feel slightly less stupid because the word in Portuguese for Pull is….Puxe. See?! I was subconsciously reading this word and, well, puuuushing.

Utilities - We finally got the gas bill in our name, about two weeks ago! It took three months, three visits from various gas-related entities to the house for inspections, a million emails with the company filling out the same paperwork over and over, or new paperwork that came up randomly, and we are all set. Easy…peesy.

Language - it is improving! My comprehension is much higher, and now when people switch to English, I continue speaking in Portuguese. One of my strengths is not worrying about sounding like a drunk five year old when I speak, and just puxeing through (see what I did there?). Of course Portuguese lessons twice a week helps this a ton, and Portuguese radio, when my brain isn’t too tired. I also have friends that help me. I have joined a lovely women’s painting group - we sit around and paint and I get to listen to them speak in Portuguese, it is wonderful. And when I make it to the gym (that’s another story) it is still incredibly helpful! My vocabulary truly strengthens with every class I take.

All of these questions answered just in time for new questions. Like - how do you get the bill around here? What is so special about bacalhau? Why do people smoke on the beach? How do you prepare salt fish?

So, those are my updates for now folks. I have been wanting to get this all down for a while and life has been busy. But now we are on break and I have some time to breathe.

More coming very soon! Boas festas!


Eye candy


Language Lessons